Sunday 29 July 2012

Yet even more!

Yet even more!

OK, this is getting ridiculous!
Bottles numbers 22 & 23!
We had the usual nibbles too!
My sister saw someone driving past who did a massive double-take at the sight of 7 people sitting by the side of the road in the middle of nowhere in front of a corn field! She was half expecting him to turn around and drive past again for a better look!

My aunt (Henriette) has now joined us, effectively replacing Hugh. She is staying until the 3rd August, I think. ... she was only going to stay a couple of days at first, but then asked to stay longer. She caught my mother off guard with that one! But, they only see each-other once a year...

We were busy all afternoon and did not get a chance to go swimming today, so my sisters an I decided to go for a midnight swim! At 11pm!
The water was delicious! Quite easy to get in, and still about 28'C (I couldn't see the thermometer since it was dark) and the air temperature must have been only about 20-25'C, so it was difficult to get out again!

1 comment:

  1. You do realise that when you get back you are going to have to do a soirée for us. To finish off your final count for the summer :-))) xx
