Tuesday 24 July 2012

Dinner at Gazavel, chez Oncle François

Dinner at Gazavel, chez Oncle François

This is where the count gets confusing: There were two bottles already there on the table. We arrived a bit late, so nearly everyone was there and had started, my sister said that they had finished some bottles already, and they had gone, but I'm not sure...
Two more came out, and were opened, but neither were finished!!! OMG What a waste!
Since I had a bit out of two different bottles, I'm going to declare those as #8 & #9!!
(They were put away, and were finished off the next day! Phew! But I was not present. :-( ... )

Anyway, my aunt and uncle had invited us to dinner. Posh frocks, shirts, ties and jackets... and that was just for the women!! ;-))
There were 21 adults/adolescents and 3 children (under 10). All the place settings were marked with our names, and set with the starter:

Bother, I missed the monogram on the napkin in the picture! :-(
We were split into two groups; 16 "old" people, and 8 "young" people.
Of the 24, only 5 were not "family".
Hugh went with the young'uns, and probably had more fun! They certainly finished their meal earlier and ended up going for a late night swim! (I have subsequently learned that it was quite boring, and Hugh would have been better off with us, poor thing!)

The "adult" table!

The "adult/children" split reminded me of when there were too many of us staying with my grandparents during the summer, and we could not all fit on the main dining room table. (- about 18 people) The "split" was done on "age" ... The following year the age threshold increased, which was terribly unfair, but we did not realise properly that it was to do with numbers rather than individuals!
But being the third youngest of the cousins at the time, I was always in the children's dining-room anyway. I think the "age split" was always between my sisters!
The meal was delicious, as were the surroundings.
We had herbal teas or coffee afterwards, but I sneaked away with my laptop to grab some WiFi time, for downloading some emails!
Actually, it's working out that I get Internet access nearly every day anyway!
However, tomorrow, we are going to try to sort out our own access. I hope it will be ready before we go back to England!

Actually, I spoke (wrote) too soon, I have not got access again, and it is nearly a week later!

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