Monday 16 July 2012

Cousins and other family

Cousins and other family.

After church on Sunday morning, we gathered in the usual throng to talk to people.
Mum met some old friends who were here only for a few days, and asked them to come round for drinks at 6pm.
I collected mum and Hugh from the front of the church, mum took ages, my aunt was wanting to come too... It was like herding cats! There was a car behind me, but couldn't get past ... and a car in front coming the other way!
Anyway, there were 8 people (family) for a "picnic lunch" then more (cousins) came for coffee afterwards, then yet more came at tea time:
I just managed to get my first swim in the pool in before that.
Lovely and cold at 24'C
"Family" left just after my mother's friends came just after 6pm...
They were late!! Typical French people!! :-D
(not really!)
Busy day!!

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