Tuesday 31 July 2012


Disaster today! (Saturday)

Today there were several disasters! The overall disaster was that there was no bubbly today! :-((

Another, was that we had decided to change the way we would get our broadband. I had various conversations with the France telecoms people, ... Actually, they asked me if I would like to speak to an "anglophone" (someone who speaks English) I said yes, but when the chap tried to put me through, he found that that part of the office was closed and they had all gone home. So we muddled through!
My French has deteriorated so I speak with an obvious English manner ... :-((((
With much too-ing and fro-ing, I established what we wanted to do, and confirmed with my sisters.
I thought I had established that I could ring them back until 8pm to change the contract, so rang back at 7pm, but the lady said that they were already closed. It must have been that the phone lines are manned until 8pm but the office was open til 18:00 !!
Still, I managed to sort it out on Monday morning, but we won't get BB until 7th August now, only 6 days before we come back, but just in time for my father's birthday, when we were going to "Skype" him!

But the major disaster was when we heard this almighty bang. I thought it was a door slamming in the wind, but actually it turned out to be the washing machine drum opening and jamming during its spin. Mum had hand-washed a woollen cardigan, and had put it to spin dry. She said that the catch was stiff, and perhaps it was not correctly fastened, so came undone. The spin was really violent, since her cardigan must have been all in one place so ...
We managed to get it out, but the machine is kaputt!

We fished out all these broken bits... The opening of the drum, generally at the top, is right at the back! We also found lots of spare bits underneath when we moved it!

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