Tuesday 24 July 2012

Friends, Bears, Mascots!

Friends, Bears, Mascots!

This year I brought Digit-Al to France, seen here with two little bears. The last few years, Teddy, my favourite, hasn't made it to France: no room, and she is feeling a bit too old to travel! Especially being stuffed into a bag; most uncomfortable, and undignified for a bear of her age!

Two years ago I brought a few more! Dodo, Louise Little Bear, and two small bears, one of which you may recognise from my black "man-bag"! Seen here with new acquisitions! Two bears and a crocodile!

In 2006, there was a visit by Peeklebub, to help with a difficult Sudoku puzzle! Teddy, Astra and the Dodo could not work it out on their own!

2005, I had a new (exotic dancer) zebra and Peeklebub, with Teddy in the middle!

2004, just Teddy and a small zebra friend!

No pictures of before ... No digital camera!

1 comment:

  1. Nice to see what you've been up to recently. Sounds like you have lots to keep you busy, no rest .........

    Digi dude is still on hew the pew, with hedwig, the owl.

    Hope your weather is as good as ours, it's glorious at the moment xx
