Tuesday 24 July 2012

Phone, Gas and more!

Phone, Gas and more!

This afternoon (Friday) we rang up the phone company to organise a second line for our Internet access!
We can't have ADSL on our primary line because of other issues, so we need a second line. We are proposing to use an existing phone line which was used by the people who used to live here all year round, but has not been used for about 15 years. They are sending an engineer over to check it out on the 1st August, so we may have broadband then! :-)))) But only for just under two weeks before we come home. :-(
It's going to cost a fortune to set up! and we may have to pay for it all year round. :-(( However, we may be able to disconnect the ADSL service and line, until we come back next year and reinstate them. Fingers crossed!

Also, this afternoon, the gas ran out while I was having a shower! It usually happens when it is my sister, but she was lucky this time!

These are the gas bottles we use for our hot water and cooking. They work in pairs, and we can switch between them when they are empty, so we can buy full ones, and then swap them over. The mains gas supply does not come as far as the house yet, so this is the only way.

The trouble is, that when the gas runs out, there are a few safety trips which come into play... So each time we swap over, we have to muck about with resetting the boiler controls, powering down, fiddling with valves and so on. We had worked out a foolproof method, but it did not work this time for this fool! Eventually, after about 5 minutes, I got it going again, so it is OK for the next two weeks, until the new bottles run out, and we have to start all over again!

Do you recognise this scene?
Another two bottles (#13 & #14) (between 8 of us) of pink Cava from Sainsbury's, this time for my uncle François and aunt Henriette who were staying for dinner this evening.
I've now lost count, so I will have to check the log on my previous blogs! ... I did say there would be rather a lot! Probably another two tomorrow night since my other nephew in arriving!
There should be a "lul" by the middle of next week, but you never know!

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