Tuesday 17 July 2012

Visit to St. Vincent Cathedral in Viviers

Visit to St. Vincent Cathedral in Viviers

Probably not the best view - side on - of this 11th century cathedral.
My uncle helps to look after the place, and showed us round. Very Interesting, he even took us round the back, inside, which is not open to the public.

One of our uncles, not ancestors, since we are Catholic, was the bishop here, until he died in 1621.
The family crest is in one of the stained glass windows.

You can't see it, it's too bright, and too far away!

The 17th century Gobelins tapestries, representing scenes from the bible, are very valuable, large and rare. Three of them were stolen a while ago, and two were recovered in Italy, the third is still at large, but a place is still kept for it.

The 18th century high altar is white marble inlaid with coloured marble designs.

This is a side chapel, which is where "the people" came to worship; the main cathedral was reserved for the canons.

I caught the sun shining through the stained glass; beautiful! :-))

This cathedral is the smallest one in France.

Here endeth the tour!

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