Friday 6 July 2012

Drains and Flooding

Drains and Flooding

I thought that my first blogs should be "happy and positive" ones.
But, if this is to be an account of what I am up to, I should include the other stuff I did today:

First off, the outside drains were blocked. My tenants had called to complain, and I called someone in to clear them. Which he did, the next day. (a couple of weeks ago) However, he must have misunderstood my description over the phone, and cleared the wrong one! I can't see how he missed it! Anyway, his colleague came this morning and cleared the right one!
He said that there would be "much ribbing" of the first chap for missing it!

As the drain man used his plunger, I watched what looked like a foot-long-4-inch-diameter turd emerge from the drain!

I wish I had filmed it. It was a mixture of grease/fat and soap residue ... quite revolting!

Next, as some of you may know, there has been a lot of rain down here, (Sussex) and a bit of flooding occurred, not as much as other places, but still bad.
Our cellar was no exception. The water has all gone now, but it is still damp down there:

You can see there is still a bit of "stuff" stuck to the wall at about the height of the second step. I guess the water level was about knee deep ... The depth of a frog pond!! ... Joke!! ... Work it out for yourselves!

There were lots of bits of firewood stored down there which floated away as you can see!
However, thank goodness, the bottles of bubbly were stored above that level, so were safe!

Enough for today:
Tomorrow, we have a "multi-birthday" bash...
With yet more bubbly!!!

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