Tuesday 24 July 2012

All Work and no Play! (Not!)

All Work and no Play! (Not!)

Okay, so this is a lunchtime bubbly (#17) for the departure of my brother-in-law, James.
He got his train to Paris alright, but there was a power problem with the underground and he did not get across in time to catch his Eurostar. He had to pay €200 for a new ticket since they would not honour his existing one!

This "Monday evening bubbly" (#18) is to "lift the spirits" of my uncle who has just had his first session of radiation treatment. We all hope and pray that it is going to work.

James and I installed this gate in 2004. This year it is a bit "saggy" so I took it off to straighten it up a bit... But, it has too many rotten bits, so when I tried, it crumbled!

Last year, Matthew and I rebuilt three pairs of shutters for some downstairs windows. There was lots of wood left over, so this year we are going to build a new gate with it! That should keep us out of mischief for a few days!
We also have to do a last couple of coats of paint to the third pair of shutters, since we ran out of time and paint last year... Only to find a large pot hidden away, but it was too late. Bah!!

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