Tuesday 24 July 2012

Saturday, jam making, nephew fetching and more!

Saturday, jam making, nephew fetching and more!

This morning, we made apricot jam. About 5kg of fruit, and 4.25kg of sugar. Left to stand for a couple of hours so that the juices are drawn out before cooking for an hour or so. Then into pots!
This time there were 19 pots. A couple of days ago for the same amount of fruit there were only 17 pots. However, they seem to have set quite hard, today's seem to be a lot more runny!
Later in the week we will be making peach jam, and perhaps later, some fig jam (from our own trees), if they are ripe enough. However, it is generally friends and family who do so, since the figs only ripen properly after we have come back to England.

My second nephew, Matthew, arrived from England today, and on the way to collect him, we bought an "orange livebox" - the ADSL WiFi router for our Internet. The salesman said that if we had subscribed to the Internet with them, then we would have saved 30€ on the price! My sister was upset about that, since she thinks it is costing a fortune to set up. (which it is).

But when I tried to connect it all together, I read the small print which said that we only get that if we sign up for 12 months, for a TV + phone + Internet package, so she has no regrets about that. :-))
So, we can now connect to the router, the signal gets to most of the house... not too good downstairs, but is very good in my room! :-)))
However, no Internet yet. That will be on the 1st (or 4th) of August.

OK, since there was another "arrival" we had another couple of bottles! (#15 & #16) (Between 8 of us!)
Outside, with the setting sun before supper!

The sun through the glass. My mother noticed the effect, my sister took a picture, and I think I managed to capture it too!

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