Tuesday 24 July 2012

Sunday, a day of rest! (Not)

Sunday, a day of rest! (Not)

This is outside the church. Last week there were three times as many milling around (all the way across the road) when I was trying to fetch my mother. (By the time I took this picture, most people had already gone.)

This church is in Mirmande, a village quite close to us, on a hillside.

Some views, not the best, I would have had to go to the top of the hill for those.

Our car has some sort of rust on the roof, no one knows how come.

I sanded the patches, and put anti rust paint on them.

Then I managed to find some white paint, which seemed to be for metal. It does not look too bad from far away, but close up you can see it very well! But it is better than it was!

More fixing, this time it is Matthew's bed: The leg broke off!
Or, at least, the bit of wood that held the leg came away from the frame.

We had to peel away the lining/covering material to expose the staples etc in order to fix the screws to hold the block of wood for the leg!
A few screws later, and you would never know it had been broken at all!

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