Friday 6 July 2012

What am I doing here?

Hello everyone.

So, this is me, starting a blog! OMG!!

Mainly because I am going on holiday, and my friends at the WRVS (Information centre in Chatham - Check it out!) say that they will miss me (!!??) and want to know what I am doing!
(If you followed the link to the WRVS, the picture is NOT of us!!)  :-)

Since I am going to France, in the middle of nowhere, I may have trouble blogging, but we shall see!
I have "dial-up" access (Does anyone still use that??), so would be able to do something... but only occasionally.
Broadband is a possibility, but expensive for the amount of time we spend there!
There are always trips to the local "Intermarche" which is close to a McD, which has free WiFi...
Or visits to friends and relatives who have "ADSL" ... :-)

In the mean time, I'm still in Blighty, using my own broadband connection, so all is hunky if not dory! (To misquote Hawkeye Pierce from MASH - showing my age there!)

I hope you enjoy reading this, and with any luck it will not end up being one of those boring blogs about the rubbish that people get up to every day... But that is entirely in my ever-so-capable hands!
What a responsibility! Help!


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