Sunday 29 July 2012

Leaving and sunbathing!

Leaving and sunbathing!

Bottle numbers 20 & 21 are for Hugh's departure tomorrow morning. Drunk in the usual place, with the usual "nibbles" watching the sunset.

Quite dark (to me on this iPhone) but on a big screen, it may be better :-))
Quite often, the sunset is much more colourful, I'll try to get a better picture.

Digit-Al decided to take in the sun on the inflatable sun lounger in the 34'C heat, but decided he couldn't be bothered to have a swim since the water was only at 28'C. Besides, the pool has a leak, and the water was dirty, so needed a clean!

In the background, you can just see the main part of the house. Not the pink house, but the house covered in virgin vine.

We have just been to Oncle François's house to use the Internet to download and print some email attachments. And book some train tickets... Success on the first count, but failure on the second. :-(
We will have to try again when we drop off Hugh.

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