Sunday 5 August 2012

Tuesday - Departure of sister and arrival of Washing machine

Tuesday - (31st July) Departure of sister and arrival of Washing machine.

The new washing machine was delivered this morning.

The guys were supposed to install it and take the old one away. However, I could not turn off the water tap, to disconnect the pipe. In the end, we had to turn off at the main valve for the whole area!
They set the thing to do a quick 30 min wash while empty to get everything working and went their merry way.

During lunch, in the kitchen, we had it doing its first official wash, so my departing sister did not feel left out. (long story) It seems to be much quieter than the old one.

We left straight after lunch to take my sister to the TGV station for a 14:16 departure. She got home safely after a total of about 8 hrs door to door, to be ignored by the cats ... "Oh! So you're back, are you? Hmm, well, I'm just going out ..." ... I'm sure that when it comes to "Biscuit time" at 10pm they will be all "We really missed you mum! ... Can we have our snack now? Purrr! Purrr! Purrr!"
After we dropped her off we went shopping in Valence main town, I didn't buy anything, but the others bought lots of clothes.

There was a merry-go-round in the town.
It was very hot, and I needed the shade!

I "stole" some Internet time from the McD, so could update some emails, scrabble words, and blogs! ;-))

We decided to come home sooner rather than later, for some tea and a swim in the pool... Only at 29'C, but before I could put my trunks on, mum asked me to help put the washing on the line. She had managed to put the second load in and start it all by herself! Way to go mum! Using the brand new machine with completely different controls! It seems silly to say that, but it is unfamiliar territory for her, and she did well!

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