Friday 10 August 2012

Saturday - Departures, traffic, friends for dinner!

Saturday 4th - Departures, traffic, friends for dinner!
(sorry, I'm really late with the blogs!)

Today saw the departure of my nephew. After an early lunch we took him to the TGV railway station, he was catching the same train as my sister had, and we will on just over a week!
On the way, there was a traffic warning before we got on the motorway. My sister (driving) thought that we would be off the motorway before it, but, alas, it was just at our exit, for some reason!! Panic!!
However, we had allowed plenty of time and caught the train. We met the same conductor as last week with my sister!
We will probably meet him again when I go home with mum!

On the way back we stopped at the Livron bridge over the river DrĂ´me to see how much water there was:
Here is a video of the water flowing:
It's so easy to add my youtube video!

I had bought some telephone wire and connectors so that we could have the broadband upstairs.
I spent ages wiring it up, passing the cable through a ceiling ... Before I could connect up and try, I was called because the guests were about to arrive, which they did, but half an hour later! So I could have finished!
When they went, I connected up the router, and got 3M on a speed test!! Don't know why it's better than in the primary socket, but hey, it's fast enough!!

We had invited some friends for dinner, one man since he was on his own, to cheer him up, and another couple. They arrived at the same time... But there were FOUR of them! Panic! The first chap brought his wife along!!
Fortunately, there was enough to go round. And we managed to sneak an extra glass in ... But after they were all poured, the lady said she did not drink alcohol! She could have said before they were poured!
Number 33, supplied by guests!

During "after dinner chat" we heard the beginnings of a thunderstorm so brought in all the washing, and chairs!

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