Sunday 5 August 2012

Monday - Early morning start!

Early morning start!
There is only supposed to be one "7:15" in a day, and that is "19:15"!
I had to get up early, so we could find a new washing machine, and I could ring France telecom about the ADSL hookup, (re: Saturday's disasters!) and do some food shopping and be back in time to make lunch for Oncle Jo and Aunt Magalie.
The first place we went to had no washing machines, but told us about the industrial estate (shops) the other side of Montelimar. We found a likely shop called "But" and chose a machine. They said that they did not deal with deliveries but they would fax the order through and we would get a call from the delivery company in the evening or in due course! As it turns out, mum got the call about 10 mins before we got home, and the new machine will be with us tomorrow (Tuesday)

Pre lunch bubbly for Oncle Jo!
Bottles #27 & #28!

Pre dinner bubbly for my sister's departure tomorrow (#29) ... Only one, we could not face two!

We cleaned the pool; it had many leaves at the bottom, and a few dead spiders and lizards! It was all clear blue, and as still as a mill pond for our bubbly!

Not much else happening, but we did some "gate building" ... More of that later.

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