Sunday 5 August 2012

Thursday - Visits and birthday

Thursday (2nd August) - Visits and birthday

Today, we had a visit by one of our cousins, her hubby, one daughter, and her two children...
They came to "pic-nic" at our house for lunch, ...
Which actually means that they brought some food, by we made that up to a full lunch!
At some point, someone mentioned that they could "talk about that over 'aperitif' ..." so we had to supply that too!

So, #30, with the nibbles too.
After lunch we went for a swim in the pool, it has been consistently at 29'C for some days now, with temperatures in the shade of about 34'C.
The kids were great fun, very confident in the water, the boy had learned to swim without armbands only a few days before!

In the evening, OF returned for dinner, and an official re-birthday...

So, #31!
We almost had two bottles, but it had been a long day...

In the morning, we got letters from Orange (France telecom) and a package, which turned out to be an ADSL modem router, and the login codes, ready for the switch-on on the 7th August.

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